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What is the Deliberating Universities Network ?

The Deliberating Universities Network (UNIDELIB) brings together academic institutions from around the world that aim to promote and introduce deliberative experimentations in universities.

Launched in November 2023, during the “Deliberation in action” conference organized by the Paris-Est Créteil University (UPEC) in France, the Deliberating Universities Network engages an ever-growing number of universities in France and around the world.

The network members believe that universities have a key role to play in forging a path to more sustainable democracy and to address climate change issues, beginning by transforming their own institution. Drawing from the French experience of the Climate change citizens' assembly, the network members promote and introduce, in their own university, deliberative processes in the form of student and academic staff citizens assemblies. These assemblies offer an innovative framework for student engagement and collective decision-making for all university actors, to address the ecological, social and democratic challenges in universities transformation process.

Documentary Deliberating Universities, directed and produced by Yves Lechermeier, 2024

What are the network's missions ?

  • Sharing resources and mutual assistance in the development and implementation of deliberative processes by member universities: the network is a platform for mutual assistance and learning. The network lists, documents and makes accessible all the data produced through the deliberative processes implemented by its members, in order to create shared resources to facilitate the implementation and the study of university deliberative processes by all its members. The network allows member universities to access tools as well as human and financial resources.
  • Collaborative and interdisciplinary research: the UNIDELIB network provides access to a plurality of field researches for researchers from member universities. It offers them the opportunity to conduct comparative fieldwork to produce interdisciplinary academic work that contributes to the research on deliberative democracy, university transformations, and on the social and political issues linked to the environmental crisis.
  • A joint reflection on current issues and new models of governance at the university: in the face of environmental, democratic and societal challenges, the network promotes critical thinking on existing educational and decision-making systems. It promotes horizontality, interdisciplinary collaboration and the inclusion of student voices and, more broadly, of all stakeholders in the governance of the university.
  • An international dimension that contributes to the expansion of the network and the large diffusion its activities: the network welcomes French and foreign universities. It aims to further expand internationally by promoting university deliberative innovations legitimacy on an international scale, in particular through the sharing of its initiatives and results with other academic institutions and organizations.

UNIDELIB network's news

  • Monthly meetings:
    • December 16, 2024 (online)
    • January 24, 2025 (online)
  • Scientific events:
    • February 10, 2025: workshop to collectively work on a university and student citizens'assemblies organization guide.
    • May 23, 2025: the UNIDELIB international conference will be held at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Fontainebleau (UPEC), in France.
    • May 24, 2025: UNIDELIB workshop.

Member universities & deliberative processes

Universities Deliberative process Agenda
Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) Student Citizens' Assembly Annual event (since 2021): the 2024 edition was held from the end of September to the beginning of December 2024
Université de Lausanne (UNIL) Transition Assembly A 12 months single edition in 2022-2023
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) Assembly for an ecological and social transformation A single edition from March to September 2024
Nantes Université Sustainable Development Conference Permanent assembly (since 2022)
Université Paris Nanterre Student Citizens' Assembly The first edition will be launched in 2025
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (USN) Student Citizens' Assembly The first edition takes place from October 2024 to January 2025
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) Student Citizens' Assembly The first edition takes place from November 2024 to March 2025
Université Grenoble-Alpes (UGA) Student Citizens' Assembly The first edition will be held in 2025
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon) Ecological and Social Transition Assembly The first edition takes place from April 2024 to March 2025
Université de Rennes The University in Transition Assembly The first edition takes place from May 2024 to January 2025
Université Paris Dauphine Student Citizens' Assembly The first edition takes place from October 2024 to May 2025
Institut National des Langues et des Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) Environmental and Societal Assembly A single edition in 2023-2024
University of Exeter Deliberating the Environmental Emergency: The Citizens' Assembly
Univerity of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) University actors deliberations on the Decidim plateform
The City University of New York (CUNY) Citizens' Assembly
Bard College Program to implement deliberation in schools
Université Lyon 1
Vrije Amsterdam University University Assembly Preparations underway
University of Copenhagen Climate Assembly A single edition in 2023-2024
Réseau Étudiant pour une Société Écologique et Solidaire (RESES) Students' Assembly on Sustainable Food A single edition in 2022-2023


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start.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/14 22:13 by frenkiel