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Université Paris Est Créteil Student Citizens' Assembly

[Photo by Lina Prokofieff]

Missions. Why is Students' Citizen Assembly important?

Students' Citizen Assembly (SCA) is an experimental adaptation of the French Climate citizen assembly, on a different theme every year, which objective is to gather various speakers to present ideas on a specific topic for students to reflect and delibirate on which solutions could be implemented [2]. It was created by Institut d'Études Politiques Fontainebleau (IEP) and the Living Algopo Lab as a participatory mechanism that aims to respond to local issues, at the level of the university and the local authorities. The convention's mandate is to define a series of measures and recommendations on the theme of food, in order to respond to the environmental emergency in a spirit of social justice and taking into account health issues.

The objective of the SCA is to produce a first series of measures and recommendations which will be discussed within the decision-making bodies of the university and local authorities. It is organised as a means for students to deliberate on un to date issues [5].

Context and objectives of the original SCA

The procedure. How does it work [1]

Each October there is an opening of a new CCE event and daily informational sessions and debates with speakers in addition to deliberative sessions during which participants will exchange ideas, debate, and draft proposals and recommendations for 3 days. During the plenary sessions, speakers give talks in a variety of settings:

The deliberative sessions will alternate between work and debriefing sessions. There are three types of work sessions:

The 2022 SCA distinguishes itself by several new features, including the integration of students in both the actual conference and speeches, in addition to their participation as special consultants, fact-checkers, and research assistants.

Follow-up workshops take place after the launch of the Assembly (as two thematic events occurring between the launch and at the end of the Convention). After the launch of the SCA and up until the end, different thematic meetings help participants to continue initial brainstorming activities among different working groups. These workshops will assume various formats: brainstorming sessions, conferences, theatrical exercises or even hackathons. They may also include the participation of partners and local secondary schools, not to mention different entities of the University (Créteil, Fontainebleau, etc.) and online.

Similar to the launch of the first SCA on food sources, a low-tech hackathon are organized on October 31 on the central campus at Créteil. This hackathon brings together political scientists, engineers, and several lawyers who will examine together ways to expand upon certain identified projects during the launch of the SCA. Students are organized into several groups and are invited to concretize their projects as the academic year unfolds. During the two-day closure sessions, students have an opportunity to present the work of each of the thematic groups to their partners. Their comments and reactions lead to a final summative project. The final proposals are then approved in person or online.

The Assembly's closure leads to research output, which stems from the investigations carried out during the SCA. Participants perform theater scenes to remind others of the tasks accomplished. (After the Assembly's closure, these scenes could in fact be performed in different schools and different university settings, etc.)

After the Convention's closure, student project leaders meet different actors and partners to put into practice the new proposals born out of the SCA. Eco-delegates not only insure that these propositions are put into practice but also continue to monitor new proposals of future SCA's, which will be available on Decidim platform created for keeping proposals, as well as voting and commenting them.

Among the tools to be employed during the Student Citizens' Assembly is Decidim, which was used previously during the first Assembly. Decidim is a sofware product dedicated to free deliberation. Decidim constitutes an open platform for the Assembly, and the proposals that arise during the program's three-day launch are stored on the site. Participants can modify, complete, amend, and reject proposals. At the same time, those interested in participating in online discussions, including at the end of the meeting, can consult the site as well. Decidim thus eventually serves as a tool to advance our discussions and proposals of the SCA. In addition, Decidim allows to archive our discussions, resources, data, and events and guarantee the transparence of the entire process. The platform will also highlight news to participants so that they can continue to follow pertinent information, most notably by accessing regular informational bulletins.

Student roles

Roles of invited guests

Results of the previous SCA events

SCA 2021. Food, an issue of collective deliberation

As a result of SCA 2021, the following key proposals have been emphasised and implemented in one way or another [3]:

SCA 2022. Which digital for which society?

As a result of SCA 2021, the following key proposals have been emphasised [4]:

SCA 2023. The university of the future

Impact of SCA. Which solutions were implemented based on SCA restitutions.

There are several aspects of the university activity improvement that are gained during a SCA event:

Register here to participate in discussions and to express your support for the proposals of your choice.

See our partners:


  1. Frenkiel E., Galley C., Haidaraly I., Lafi S, Mesguen A., Student Citizens' Assembly (SCA) Informational Booklet 2022 Edition, UPEC, SCA, 2022.
  2. Frenkiel E., Students' Citizen Assembly, Presentation, UPEC, 2022.
  3. Henriques V.P., Proposals Completion Monitoring Report, UPEC, CSA, 2022.
  4. Henriques V.P., Christeler T., Millot S., Hergunac E., Guellec H., SCA Synthesis 2022-2023, UPEC, SCA, 2023.